Changing Times - Cannabis Law in South Carolina and How to Avoid the Ethics Minefield
By: Walter Harris, Esquire
Historically, cannabis has a long and storied presence through- out our country’s development. Until the 20th century, cannabis was legal to grow and consume. Listed in the United States pharmacopoeia based on medicinal values in 1850, cannabis use for medicinal, recreational and spiritual purposes has been recognized for providing a multitude of medical benefits...
Personal Injury Laws and Statutory Time Requirements in South Carolina
By: Walter Harris, Esquire
In some personal injury cases, the person you are filing a claim against argues that you are actually to blame (at least partially) for the incident that led to your injuries. If it turns out that you do share some degree of legal liability, it can end up affecting the total amount of compensation you can receive from any other at-fault parties...
Employer Beware: Considerations
When Hiring a Competitor’s Employees
By: The National Law Review May 24, 2018
Employers that determine that hiring an applicant subject to restrictive covenants justifies the risks of doing so would do well to discuss proactive options with an attorney. The existence of restrictive covenants, standing alone, should not in all cases discourage employers from hiring an otherwise qualified candidate. With careful planning, a savvy employer can substantially limit its exposure to interference and misappropriation claims and position itself with a strong defense should the former employer decide to pursue action against it...
South Carolina leads nation in traffic deaths, and the situation is not improving
By: Abe Hardesty, Independent Mail April 28,2018
In 2017, South Carolina again had the nation's highest fatality rate per mile traveled — by a wide margin. Its 1.88 deaths per 100 million miles driven was nearly double the national average, according to the Institute for Highway Safety. Although other factors, especially smartphone-related distractions and drugs, often are cited as a reason for these tragedies, most of the deaths still can be attributed to the state’s oldest highway problems – DUI, speeding and ignoring seat belts...